Illustrator For Textbooks, Textbook Illustration, Educational Art

Illustrator For Textbooks, Textbook Illustration, Educational Art, Academic Publishing

For all of the time we spend remembering our favorite book titles from childhood, it’s easy to forget what an impact our schoolbooks themselves played in our development, our education, and how we began to shape our world.

From early reading titles through middle school textbooks and beyond, processing information with the assistance of visual aids is an integral part of the learning process.

If you’re a publisher, educator, or learning professional currently in need of bright and informative illustration with just a touch of whimsy to help cement key concepts in a curriculum, I’d be happy to hear more of your project and goals.

My services range from traditional textbook illustration for printed matter to digital content for web-based and multimedia learning applications. To discuss your project in greater detail feel free to contact me directly.


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